business woman in front of computer screen showing warning message

Some Ways that Microsoft 365 Administrators can Protect Against Business Email Compromise (BEC)

Overview: According to the FBI, business email compromise (BEC) is one of the most financially damaging online crimes.[1] It is also perhaps one of the tricks that even the savviest businessperson may fall for. Email account compromise (EAC) is a closely related tactic. This article examines some ways in which Microsoft 365 administrators can lower … Read More

person holding a smart phone with a lock screen showing

Understanding and Using Microsoft 365 App Passwords

In an environment of increasing security restrictions, I have noticed in my role as a Microsoft 365 administrator a misunderstanding among users regarding application (or app) passwords. The core idea of how app passwords came about was the need for Microsoft 365 application designers to provide an authentication mode for a non-interactive login in a Microsoft 365 environment with multi-factor authentication (MFA) policies enforced. There is a bit more to it than that, but an app password provides a way for an application connecting to Microsoft 365 to authenticate with a username and a single password without using a second factor. That begs the question, if the application can authenticate through just a username and password, and multi-factor authentication is enforced in the domain, then how does that satisfy the requirement for multi-factor authentication? This question is perhaps why so many users misunderstand app passwords or have perhaps never thought to create an app password in the first place. We will try to clear up some of the confusion in our post today.

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Email Deliverability and Why You Should Implement SPF, DKIM, and DMARC

Summary: Companies can easily implement some improved security standards in their email servers in order to increase the usefulness of email to their customers, vendors and stakeholders. Looking through my email inbox in Microsoft Outlook this morning I went looked over several emails that I have received from companies of various sizes and noticed that … Read More

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Disruptive Innovation Part 2: Invoice Processing Software

Summary: Learn how invoice processing software is rapidly becoming a disruptive innovation that allows companies to automate the tiring process of paying bills. As we stated in Part One of this series, sometimes when a new technological invention comes along we wonder how we ever lived without the new device or technological innovation. A “disruptive … Read More

Cartoon drawing of scanner and laptop

10 Factors to Consider When Selecting a Document Scanner

We consider ten factors that will help a company select the proper document scanner. User Friendly Consulting consulted with a high-volume document scanning department at a large telecommunications company by providing expertise in the selection and operating of scanners. During their over two decades of experience with this client, they learned a lot about the

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An Introduction to AMP and Using it in Joomla

Accelerated Mobile Pages, an acronym for AMP, is an emerging tool to provide mobile optimized pages to reduce page load times on mobile devices and can easily be implemented in Joomla. As described on the AMP project page, the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project Google AMP is “an open source initiative that came out of

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Using cPanel to Point a Dev Subdomain

CPanel® provides companies with a very easy means of “parking” a temporary (or permanent) sub-domain on top of a main URL that can be used to complete the development process of a a web site.   This is a very handy feature for cPanel users because it allows the assignment of a URL that can